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time's flow, forever merciless - By: Xinghan Chen

I wander, along the halls,

From yesterday I depart.

Not by volition, nor with anger,

For inevitability is my future.

Yet fear remains uncovered,

By an otherwise painted smile.

I long to linger with your past,

Against the currents I wish to swim.

Let not this precious now,

Become a speck over horizons.

Only for a breath can I dwell,

With time too short to count out loud.

The present that surrounds me,

Will soon be merely memories.

If I forget, in the minute of the end,

Have you lived this moment at all?

This void was once your constant carry-on,

Yet misty words no longer fill the space.

I long to maintain my eternal depth,

With hope that the current will fade to calm.

Thoughts fade away before they’ve begun.

Until time’s sand trickles no more.

Is it ever so wrong me to wish,

To forever live a lie or two?

Should I laugh with joy in a broken world,

Or patch the self with the silent path.

Cracking my own code until I’m betrayed,

I desire for no one to take the helm.

Back I walk into the halls of yesterday,

Your portraits hazy forevermore.

If those are moments I once lived,

Why can I not turn back the clock?

I scream

but time still ticks away.

Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.

This piece describes the loss of another, and the wishes to remain within the past. Time flows and it doesn't care for those memories others hold dear. Remember those who are precious to you to prevent time from ripping them away forever. Memories will make us who we are.

Please explain your writing and thought process regarding this poem.

Firstly, I came up with an idea on what I wished to write about. I then brainstorm about the messages and themes I wish to send. After writing a draft, I wait a few days to read my poem again, giving me a new perspective on how this poem is read, and made changes.

Why did you choose to write this poem?

I wanted to lay out my thoughts and musings about the subject of the poem. This helps clear my head a little, and I enjoy writing these poems.

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