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Gravitational - By: Isabella Pancio-Fikretoglu

the moon is bright in my eyes,

and the sun shines in yours.

we attract, we repel, orbiting each other

and our shadows overlap.

forces of the universe knit us together

until there is but one mass of darkness.

Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.

This poem is about deep relationships and their impact on the lives of the parties involved. The most beautiful relationships make you feel like you share a heart with someone else - finishing each other's sentences, just understanding what the other is going through. The boundaries are always changing, but there is always a sense of control.

Please explain your writing and thought process regarding this poem.

Though this poem is relatively short, quite a bit of effort went into writing it. At first, the wording didn't make sense - there were places where the words were just off. I took a while to look over the poem and put thought into how I could convey the meaning of the poem best.

Why did you choose to write this poem?

This poem is a tribute to my greatest friends, who will stand by me no matter what. Their kindness and the way that we take care of each other is precious - it is something I can never fully thank them for. This poem was a way to put the pure nature of my relationships into words.

Do you have any tips or anything to share with the youth writers who may be reading this?

Don't stop writing. Good things come to those who don't give up.

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