Engrossed over the unborn
But existence, far from adorned
Birth and born, families torn
Loving the embryo more
Than those breathing before
More love for your weaponry
Than those in grade three
Grade four, grade five
Feeling fear to survive
Rulings ridden
with oppressive tyranny
If I wanted a man
running my uterus
I’d give a governor
some pussy
Reliant on values older
than my own granny
Female health
treated uncanny
Expectations to
read your books
Expecting me to study
So my seat gives you money
Oil your wrists governor
Your hands must be rusty
Our children are moribund
But you call it plain unlucky
Please give a detailed explanation about the meaning and main idea of this poem.
This particular poem, out of the set of socially-critical poems I've written, targets the rise of school shootings and attacks on women's rights while emphasizing the main objective shared by most higher-ups: greed.
Please explain your writing and thought process regarding this poem.
This poem was inspired back in June 2022 when Roe V. Wade overturned all while school shootings reached what news articles claimed to be, "an unprecedented high." My anger and gritted teeth surfaced as the inspiration for this specific poem since it became an outlet for my frustration.
Why did you choose to write this poem?
The social issues rampant in the world today are at an all-time-high. The whole set of critical poems I have written have become an outlet for my frustrations and my social critiques.